The tip of the arm features erectile tissue called the ligula, like that found in the human penis. The hectocotylus is a modified sex arm with a central groove, or calamus, that holds packets of sperm called spermatophores. To mate , a male will insert his hectocotylus into the female's mantle cavity and deposit spermatophores (sperm packets). Is this a mating attempt gone wrong? We are experienced naturalists and photographers who have visited over 90 countries, following our passion to discover the most amazing wild places and to experience wild creatures in their natural habitats. Recent Posts. An extra-long organ makes sense as a survival strategy when mating with hungry females! Some females have been found with a collection of disembodied sperm arms stockpiled from several mates inside their gill cavities. Males die within a few months of mating. Aside from the fact that male octopus typically dies a few months after mating, the female octopus also dies shortly after their eggs hatch. TAYLOR MAGGIACOMO, NGM STAFF. They have a wide variety of mating habits and I can’t cover them all; but I can explore some of the more intriguing aspects of sex in the world of Cephalopods! The final stage of both the mating process and the octopus’s life cycle is senescence. Like kill their mate during mating—by strangling him with three … When octopuses reproduce, the male uses a specialized arm called a hectocotylus to transfer spermatophores (packets of sperm) from the terminal organ of the reproductive tract (the cephalopod "penis") into the female's mantle cavity. How do the Blue-Ringed Octopus reproduce? For octopuses, mating is a pretty subdued affair. & Cosgrove, James & Jensen, Gregory & Lewand, Kevin. The female then lays her eggs in a hole or under rocks. During sex, the male releases his spermatophores into the female’s small oviduct, a sort of holding area for storing sperm. One approach is for the male to find a good spot near the den of one or more females so he can create his own den in a convenient location close by. Journal of Zoology, 261, 101 – 108 (2003). Copy link. The hectocotylus in benthic octopuses is usually the third right arm. The male dies a few months afterwards, while female dies shortly after the eggs hatch. ( Reproduction Behavior) Though there are other species in the animal kingdom showing sexual-dimorphism none of them have such a startling difference as these blanket octopuses. The eggs are not fertilized inside the female. Octopuses make for unusual lovers. 269 Share on Facebook. For octopuses, sexual maturity kinda sucks. Males are looking for a large female that will produce more eggs, providing the male with a greater probability of passing on his genes. The sperm sac may stay inside of the female for many months before she produces any eggs. Once the octopus reaches adulthood, it will eventually get the urge to mate. We wrote about the time an octopus broke into a library to read … To accomplish this, the male octopus must deposit his sperm inside the female’s body, at very real risk to his life. Males of this species have a modified arm that contains long rows of sperm. SEVEN-ARM OCTOPUS – Read Or Listen To The Article Click Here How Is The Mating Process? How do they Survive? The order Octopoda includes 289 species, according to the World Animal Foundation. THEY LOVE PLAYING WITH TOYS. Her response will indicate if she’s ready and willing to mate. Males have no shell, but they do have a unique hectocotylus: a tentacle-like, detachable copulatory organ. This process may take up to several hours, depending on the species. Over millions and millions of years natural selection, male octopus have evolved creative solutions to mating with potentially cannibalistic females. They live fast lives that are very difficult most of the time. When a female octopus is ready to mate she releases their equivalent of pheromones which attracts males who will sometimes fight over the right to mate with her. Why do female octopus eat their mate? Shopping. The male gets attracted to the female by caressing her with the modified arm. In the case of octopuses, females are usually larger than males and can view them as both mate… and tasty meal! It may have a secondary function of removing sperm from previous matings with competing males. The detached arm crawls under its own power into the gill cavity of the female where it attaches to her gills and is stored until it is required for fertilization. This means that male octopuses can get erections. Often, the female will carry the inert body of the male into her den for a quiet meal. How does a octopus mate? The urge to mate and pass-on genes is a biological imperative and males of many species must often take great risks to successfully mate with a female. As a biologist, I’ve researched this topic thoroughly and have... Why are Deep Sea Creatures So Weird and Ugly? The female can lay up to 200,000 eggs at once but only about 1/3 survive to adulthood. This question has … To mate successfully, a male octopus must approach a female, and gently probe her with a single arm. Octopus mating is accomplished by the male using one of his arms to insert a sperm sac into the female where the sac survives until the eggs are released from the female and fertilized with the sperm outside of the female’s body. For males, mating triggers a quick decline in health as they enter a period of senescence, and death within a matter of days or weeks. Do Jellyfish have Brains? When a tiny male argonaut encounters a female, he ruptures a pouch containing his specialized hectocotylus. Once the adult octopus reaches adulthood, it usually has the urge to mate. The male is tiny—less than three-quarters of an inch long—while the female can be up to 30 times his size. First, a female can suddenly switch from mating to trying to turn the male into dinner, and second, they both become more vulnerable to predators while preoccupied. The eggs are not fertilized inside the female. A few species have fla… Scientists have never found a male alive without his reproductive arm. Which brings me to another fascinating adaptation – the detachable penis!!). Female Argonauta argo with eggcase and eggs. Male octopuses have a big problem: female octopuses. The arm stores up the sperm, and when the male finds a female he wants to mate with, he will detach the arm during the mating process. However, if it knew just what was waiting for it soon after, it might think twice. The eggs are methodically fertilized by the female octopus by spreading the sperm over the eggs after they are laid. Most male octopus have a specialized extra-long arm called the hectocotylus to deliver sperm from a distance. The word also refers specifically to animals in the genus Octopus. One octopus, the nautilus, has a worm-like hectocotylus that functions like a detachable penis that can swim to the female on its own. link to What Do Animals Do When They Hibernate? How do they Survive? As his last act, the small but mighty argonaut male gives his arm and his life to fulfil his biological imperative; to pass on his genes. Once the male argonaut’s copulatory organ is detached, it is believed that the male dies. Plants and Animals. To accomplish this, the male octopus must deposit his sperm inside the female’s body, at very real risk to his life. In structure, the ligula is remarkably like mammal penises and clitorises. Male octopuses have a specially modified "sex arm" that they use to place a pack of sperm into the female's mantle cavity. To mate, a male will insert his hectocotylus into the female's mantle cavity and deposit spermatophores (sperm packets). It is interesting to note that each arm of an octopus has a brain of its own along with the ability to act independently even when separated from the body (see my related article on octopus brains). Each male wants to mate and pass on his genes to a new generation. This Species Of Octopus Has A Detachable Penis. I get some great reactions when I show big audiences photos of some of the ugliest creatures found on earth – especially those that live in the... Come along as we explore fascinating creatures & cultures in some of the most spectacular destinations in the world. At this stage, the hectocotylus is independent, and the male can pass it over to the female or he can just let the arm swim to the female on its own. Watch later. Males will experience this alone, very soon after mating. Up Next. A fight ensues between the two males and after a wild flurry of sixteen arms, the inquisitive one jets off in hasty retreat. Cannibalistic Sex and a Detachable Penis, How to Use Google Earth to Enhance Your Presentations. Sometimes they all look alike! The ligula will become enlarged with attraction and the male can try to woo the female with intricate color flashes and skin displays. (2003). How do Blanket Octopuses mate? Octopuses do the darndest things. He simply tears off this arm and politely hands it to his mammoth female mate, who then saves it for later use. The trouble is, the female is often larger and hungrier than he is, so there is a constant risk that, instead of mating, the female will strangle him and eat him. George Sranko, B.Sc., MA (Hons), naturalist, photographer and speaker, is a popular destination lecturer on cruise ships throughout the world, with hundreds of presentations under his belt. Hibernation is one of the great mysteries of the animal kingdom. Once they hatch, the tiny octopods float in the water for several weeks before returning to the bottom. The trick is to have a female or two within reach of his extra-long hectocotylus without having to leave the den. This chemical also helps prevent the larger male from being likely to eat the female – a common occurrence with octopi which is one reason smaller octopi often run from larger when seen. They mate beak-to-beak The larger Pacific striped octopus is one of the few known gregarious octopuses. Octopus mating is accomplished by the male using one of his arms to insert a sperm sac into the female where the sac survives until the eggs are released from the female and fertilized with the sperm outside of the female’s body. When the animal is aroused, cavities in the erectile tissue fill with blood. In fact, the male algae octopus (Abdopus aculeatus) approaching the female’s den is in for a big surprise! The word octopus comes from the Greek, októpus, which means \"eight foot,\" according to a Smithsonian magazine article that summarized facts in Katherine Harmon Courage's book, \"Octopus! CephBase: a repository of data and factual information for the Class Cephalopoda – squids, octopuses, cuttlefish and nautilus. As Wang points out, females typically kill and eat their mates, and if not, they die a few months after mating anyway. Anderson, R.C. This is their main purpose in life, just like many other animals. Octopuses are semelparous animals, which means they reproduce once and then they die. This way the male can stay in the safety of his own den while reaching around the corner with his specialized sex appendage to try and deliver a packet of sperm to a nearby female. Due to this, most males and females will only mate once in their lives. Only two or three giant Pacific octopus paralarvae will live to reproduce. The urge to mate and pass-on genes is a biological imperative and males of many species must often take great risks to successfully mate with a female . Tap to unmute. Snowboarders Rescue Trapped Horse in Snow, Baby Elephant Reunited with Mom After Years Apart, See These Cute Red Panda Cubs Step Outside for First Time, This Girl Taking Horse for a Walk is Cutest Thing Ever. The blue-ringed octopus reproduces sexually. Subscribe to our newsletter! Mating in argonauts is very unusual. There are nearly 300 species of octopus in the world, ranging from the giant pacific octopus that can stretch up to 30 feet across to the tiny wolfi octopus, less than one inch in size. This process may take up to … Bernd Hofmann/Wikipedia Commons CC BY-SA 2.0. He may … When the ligula is inflated, it provides sufficient stiffness to guide the arm into in one of the two siphons on the female’s mantle. This is an adaptation to mating with cannibalistic females that frequently kill and eat males during or after sex. After attaching to the female, the male releases his hectocotylus, which worms its way into the female’s mantle cavity. That's because they're semelparous, which means they reproduce just once before they die. As with most creatures, the octopus's main purpose in life is to reproduce. Visit my Google Maps photos, with over 1 million views per month and over 70 million views in total, Octopuses Mate With a Special “Sex Arm” | National Geographic. How can animals survive such long periods without eating? He has visited over 90 countries and happily shares his personal experiences and insights in a dynamic and entertaining style. Male octopuses do reach adulthood earlier, but they may still be too small to mate. The male has one arm longer than his others, known as a hectocotylus, which is used to transfer sperm to the female. But the final days of a female octopus after it reproduces are quite grim, at least to human eyes. In captivity, towards the end, sometimes she'll tear off her own skin, and eat the tips of her own tentacles. They are the first soft-bodied animal found to have erectile tissue. Female octopuses die after their eggs have hatched. How can Jellies Hunt and Swim without Brains. Share. In this scenario, it is not just sperm that the male donates, but a nice heaping helping of protein to tide the female over during the often-extended period of laying and tending to her eggs. Some Cephalopods have arms, some have tentacles, and some have both! Museum Victoria project on Argonauts funded by Hermon Slade Foundation and Australian Biological Resources Survey. Thompson, J. T. & Voight, J. R. (2003) Erectile tissue in an invertebrate animal: the Octopus copulatory organ. He loads his arm with sperm, then detaches it from his body. The process of mating is very unusual as the males use one of their arms to place a sack of sperm into the body cavity of the female. Until the octopus becomes an adult, the creature is vulnerable. Octopuses do not change colors but when they mate the ospraing will developed a color between the 2 parents color.Sorry Is the common octopus a real octopus? Females can live for several months or even years after mating; laying eggs and protecting them until they hatch (amazingly they do so without eating until they die). repository of data and factual information, How do Octopus Reproduce? Octopuses, like their cousin, the squid, are often considered “monsters of the deep,” though some species, or types, occupy relatively shallow waters. Both the male and female octopuses die soon after mating. Turns out that the octopus he wanted to mate with is not a female after all, but a big male guarding the female’s den. Females are looking for a male with a large ligula. Yes, a common octopus is a type of octopus In some smaller species this might take just a couple minutes, but for big species like the Giant Pacific Octopus (Enteroctopus dofleini), mating can last up to four hours or more. Once the timing is right, the female will lay strings of eggs tethered to her shell where she can look after them as they develop. The Most Mysterious Creature in the Sea.\" Some people call their appendages tentacle… Share on Twitter. In fact, few of a spawning's thousands of hatched babies will reach maturity. The trick for the male is to prolong the encounter long enough to transfer at least one spermatophore, and preferably more. In most species of octopus, males have an intriguing adaptation; a modified arm for delivering sperm called the hectocotylus. The life span for a squid that does survive against the odds when they are young is only about a year or two. When the female lays her eggs, in some cases days or even months later, they will pass by this area and become fertilized. During courtship both females and males use appearance to find attractive mates. Observation on mating of the giant Pacific octopuses. Female argonauts have two specialized dorsal arms that secrete a chalky substance, forming a pleated shell in which she can hide, float, and brood eggs. A small … Each male wants to mate and pass on his genes to a new generation. Luckily for the male pillow octopus, however, mating isn't a full contact sport. (I won’t even try to anthropomorphize about the advantages of having such a handy tool! With female octopuses, once she's laid her eggs, that's it. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. March 16, 2018 - This octopus game of cat-and-mouse actually has a very important goal—mating. How do they mate with such a difference in size? Info. I love to talk about weird and ugly creatures! to improve on the previous answer, the male's third right arm is filled with sperm ect., and yes, they do proceed to ram the arm in and out of the female octopus. Octopuses have eight arms, while squid and cuttlefish have eight arms and two tentacles. What Do Animals Do When They Hibernate? Octopuses Mate With a Special “Sex Arm” | National Geographic. For some species they are able to do so a second time before they die. The eggs are methodically fertilized by the female octopus by spreading the sperm over the eggs after they are laid. All other known octopus species mate either by the male mounting the female or inserting his mating arm into her from a distance. Female Octopus Strangles Mate, Then Eats Him. The Argonaut (Argonauta argo) is a unique species of octopus that lives in the open tropical oceans. They live in all the world’s oceans but are especially abundant in warm, tropical waters. Of course, there are downsides to having a prolonged mating encounter! In fact, the mother even stops feeding - she'll stay and watch over her eggs until they hatch, slowly starving to death. These octopuses can live together, … I have written this article to give wider exposure to some fascinating scientific insights into the complicated mating habits of octopuses. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Octopus mating is a one-time occurrence for each octopus since the male dies within months of finding a mate and the female dies shortly after the eggs are laid. The males have a host of tricks to survive the mating process. link to Why are Deep Sea Creatures So Weird and Ugly? Specifically, once the “arm” finds the pallial cavity of the female, it gets inserted. Researchers have determined that it is relatively common for females to kill males during or after sex. The duration of egg incubation normally takes 2 to 10 months, depending on the species and water temperature. Octopuses are sea animals famous for their rounded bodies, bulging eyes, and eight long arms. Females, on the other hand, will lay eggs and faithfully tend to them while going through senescence. The trouble is, the female is often larger and hungrier than he is, so there is a constant risk that, instead of mating, the female will strangle him and eat him. Both male and female Pacific octopuses experience this dementia-like state of being. 16, 2018 - this octopus game of cat-and-mouse actually has a very important goal—mating the... They live in all the World ’ s small oviduct, a will! Used to transfer at least one spermatophore, and eat males during or after sex are! The time structure, the ligula is remarkably like mammal penises and clitorises can view as! Hectocotylus without having to leave the den arm and politely hands it to his female. ( Abdopus aculeatus ) approaching the female or inserting how do octopus mate mating arm into her from a distance several weeks returning. 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