The best temperature for spray painting is somewhere around 18 to 25 degrees C. Cold weather coatings are your go-to solution if you really need to paint in the cold weather. Advertisement With the recent high temperatures in parts of the U.K. soaring above 86°F, people may find themselves questioning the safety of running in the heat. Although some paint brands boast that they can be painted in as low as 35 degrees Fahrenheit, it’s still risky. The temperature may not be high enough to allow the paint to flow and cure properly. Higher temperatures dry the paint too quickly. Generally speaking it is not too hot to paint up to and even above the century mark. It may be tough on the folks doing the application, but the paint is not adversely affected under normal circumstances. Heat affects paint adhesion primarily because it causes the paint to dry too rapidly. In addition you should not try to over compensate for lower temperatures by adding more hardener either in your filler or paints. There are some paint manufacturers who say that you can paint as cold as 35 degrees. At what temperatures does it become too hot (or cold) to paint your house?—Ilona. If it is too cold, then the paint will not cure and if it is soft for too long then it loses its protective properties and will be prone to dents. Of course, working with professional painters will also guarantee this. Hirshfield’s is your local Minneapolis-St. Paul paint retailer. 40% to 70% humidity is the perfect range to ensure that the paint dries properly. This eventually leads to cracking and peeling paint which is not a good look on any home. It wasn’t too long ago that you couldn’t paint below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. With cheaper paints, it can also cause leaching, inhibit the protective elements in the paint, and lead to adhesion issues. Currently there are several paints available to the public that allow painting exterior surfaces in a wide range of temperatures. Dirt, debris, pollution, and mildew all accumulate onto your home’s surface. High temperatures are a big concern while applying the stain. Yellow Exterior Cracks 20080713-1210428 image by SIGNSofMIND from Routinely inspecting your exterior for damage, and repairing that damage immediately, will help your paint job last longer. Resene says the best conditions for painting are when the temperature is between 15 and 20 degrees, the humidity is between 70 and 80 per cent, and there is a light breeze. in very warm or cold temperatures, the optimal temperature for exterior painting . But these high temps beg a pretty common question — how hot is too hot for painting the exterior of your home? This is because the top layer of the paint is drying before the lower layers. For best results, paint opposite the sun. Here is what our experts at Hirshfield’s suggest for the best time to take on an exterior paint job. Latex paints work best when applied in temperatures between 50° and 85° Fahrenheit. The Block NZ 2018 winners Amy and Stu chose a warm peach tone for their living room. The temperature of your house affects the performance of paint. Let the paint dry overnight; the temperature should not drop below 35 degrees during the night. House Painting & Temperatures. If the wind is blowing more than 15 miles per hour, it might even blow you off your ladder! Too much wind can cause the paint to dry too quickly. Choosing the Right White: A Guide to Picking the Best White Paint, Plan On Painting Your Deck? The optimal temperature for exterior painting always depends on the type of paint you’re using. Tips on Painting During the Summer . Naturally, the question “How hot is too hot?” often comes up. House paint has come a long way in recent years thanks to modern advancements in paint materials. In addition you should not try to over compensate for lower temperatures by adding more hardener either in your filler or paints. The minimum application temperature specified on your paint can relate not only to the air temperature but also the temperature of the surface to be painted. (Not to mention the fact that it’s not a great idea for anyone to be out painting in the extreme heat, under the blazing sun.) Now, for example, you can paint your home in far lower temperatures than ever before. Avoid staining your deck if it’s above 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Knowing the best temperature to paint outside can help ensure that your home receives the best paint job possible. If you’re looking for a reliable weather report resource, aggregates several different predictions together to give the most likely weather possibility. In other words, what is the right temperature to paint outside? Obviously, homes in milder climates require less upkeep. Ideal temperature to store product: 65-75 degrees F. Garages are not a good place to store any finish. However, if you decide to use oil-based paint, their ideal range is slightly broader — 40° to 90° Fahrenheit. However, if you decide to use oil-based paint, their ideal range is slightly broader — 40° to 90° Fahrenheit. The best temperature range for painting outdoors with latex paint is from 50° to 85° F. Painting during hot weather can cause latex paint to dry too fast, resulting in brush marks and clumps of paint on the paintbrush. Consumer. You do not want to paint in temperatures above 90 degrees F. That means you will have to do the job again by removing the layer and starting over when the temperatures have dropped. Painting outside when it is too hot or too cold for the paint can lead to a terrible painting job that will have to be completed again later. Or, if you store the oil paint outside or in your truck, it is exposed to colder temperatures during the night that cause it to thicken, just like the motor oil in your truck. If you must paint in lower temperatures, purchase the specially formulated latex paint made to perform in temperatures as low as 36 degrees F / 2.2 C. This paint … At SurePro Painting, we help residential and commercial owners achieve their painting goals. Both oil and latex paint have binding properties that only work properly in the temperature range already described. When the weather is too hot (especially in direct sunlight), the paint dries before it can fully bind, leading to cracks or peeling, now or in the future.