With that line of thinking, everything fun would end up being illegal eventually. Everyone is bad therefore to make everyone good restrict everything logic. Even with the bird kills wind and solar does less harm. They come, they brood, they lay eggs, and at the proper time a guy from the state comes and bands the chicks, which are the size of chickens and have really healthy lungs. But within a week they grow to be rather awkward-looking, fuzzy gray birds. There could be an infection. The advantage of the method: there will be no objections from the carcass, and then it can be cut and eaten. Ever wonder why that is? Not only are they legally hunted, taxidermy mounts of them (Containing all of the feathers) are perfectly legal in both the U.S. and Canada. Look the higher powers gifted me my gifts of weaving if you don’t like it talk to the greater spirit. I’m sad because though my native blood is strong it’s not enough to carry sacred feathers.i have visions from my ancestors but cannot use found feathers on my dreamcatchers.i own no guns not know anybody with any still can’t have.i want to take a DNA test to prove I’m native but still won’t be enough to use found feathers in creating my heart spirit dreamcatchers. I love birds and would never hurt them, for feathers or any other reason. Do you know how to read? That fact that a crime could have occurred doesn’t mean you should take the right away. Usually for special ceremonies such as a wedding, somebody crossing over, a naming ceremony or a birth. The statute extends to any bird part, including feathers, eggs, and nests. In china, where they breed geese for down and most of the down feathers in the U.S. come from – they tie the animal’s feet together, put a foot on a delicate wing or gracefull neck and painfully pull the feathers WHILE THE BIRD IS ALIVE. Period. America, the stupid. A: Usually, rainwater will naturally run off a duck’s back due to its waterproof feathers, but with a condition called wet feather, this waterproofing doesn’t quite work: The rain soaks in, and the duck’s down can become waterlogged, causing the duck to become chilled and start to avoid the water, making matters worse. that is ridiculous. i have trouble accepting there’s an underground market for goose feathers… They also build up a layer of fat to help keep them warm. So it’s already illegal to kill the birds… making a harmless activity like picking up discarded feathers illegal just cause investigators can’t tell the difference sounds like a problem for the investigators and a basic violation of the spirit of freedom. Previously, several simple preparatory activities will be required. Same as automobiles, knives, shovels, and any other inanimate object. So how do you justify a shaman gifting another spiritual healer with one for spiritual ceremonies? A photo of a feather on the ground doesn’t get you off the hook. Just saw 1 today and it looks like a eagle nest in a tall tree close by. Yes, REAL Natives are legally able to have various feather for our spiritual beliefs, ceremonies and purposes but even we still get stopped and given hell about it. Ravens are. Raising and caring for geese may be easier than you think. Do you know the difference between the Canada geese sub species? Worse yet, I have a bird feeder and that attracts a lot of birds and feathers. wild turkey feathers are also very attractive, as are those of pheasants. For ducks, wait until they are at least 15 weeks of age and geese 17 weeks of age before you clip the feathers. If we find a dead bird we call it in because of the west nile virus and the city or county deals with it. That means the feathers of all of these birds are forbidden. Actions to be taken: Course of action depends on the type of bird and degrees of severity of the injury. Unfortunately the laws are made to protect birds from being slaughtered by bird murderous assholes who greedy want to profit.birds are sacred to me.all lives matter. But it was all we could do to fight to hold on to the 1/3 that my husband managed to keep. Which by the way is perfectly legal in both the U.S. and Canada. another misperception of the law– there are only SOME migratory and/or endangered species of birds it is illegal to own feathers or carcasses of– your common pigeon or blue jay or robin or pheasant or turkey there is absolutely no problem with finding and keeping.. Geese that breed in Southern Canada and the U.S. are referred to as residents because they spend most of their lives i… The patch will fill in then. A bit too much evil and forcefulness against those who cannot protect themselves, (IE), a little girl. The feather trade allowed Red-tailed Hawks to be hunted to dangerously low numbers, and nowadays we can see them almost every time we drive down the highway! Okaaaaaaaaay, that might be over exaggerating just a bit much, no? my female goose is loosing her feathers like mad! (I call these snackbirds.) It would appear that nearly no thinking went into it at all. First you need to choose the right place - the humidity level should not exceed the norm, the light is dim, because then the goose will not peck its litter, and the feather will remain clean. Tracks: The webbed feet of the Canada Goose are apparent when looking at their tracks. Which will become more important soon since a large subdivision is about to be started on land that abuts it. But we’re dealing with an animal endemic to North America, and a symbol of the United States at that, that was almost extinct because of the way humans were interacting with the environment. We give harsher sentences for animal and enviromental “abuses” than we do crimes against others talk about ass backwards. Should I ask the eagles not to leave their discarded feathers scattered across my property? Yeah, it’s called the ‘Migratory Bird Treaty Act’ because it’s a Treaty. You will also find a complete list of the birds that are covered by it: https://www.fws.gov/birds/policies-and-regulations/laws-legislations/migratory-bird-treaty-act.php, So I suppose it’s just ok to mow your lawn and have a random feather chopped up versus letting your child pick up and save a feather that they think is so cool. A few months back, the feds busted a black market ring on my tribes reservation in SD because a group of guys were poaching eagles and selling their feathers to a fence in Rapid City who was then selling the feathers to other natives (who didn’t know what was going on) for various uses. Yes, for someone who just happens to find a feather on the ground it’s all very excessive. Yes, it is illegal to pull feathers from a live animal anywhere in the world, but they do it … Almost all US states have a Crow hunting season. Eat bird. )Constitutional REPUBLIC. Would like to know how we are to PROTECT OUR SELVES FROM THESE EVIL PEOPLE OR A DANGEROUS ANIMAL ? The treaty makes it unlawful to hunt, take, capture, kill, or sell migratory birds. Apr 4, 2011 1,169 121 161. molting. As the feather continues to grow, the mass enlarges and a cheesy material composed of keratin accumulates. Knew the laws, you can pick that feather up study it, take pictures of it, use it as a teaching tool, but at the end of the day you must return it, if you don’t you now possesses it which is illegal for most Americans, and if you are a native American you must be actively involved in you religious beliefs or customs, To legal possess an eagle feather. Then is it a Canadian Canada Goose? Geese, ducks and women are all the same. Please don’t breed. Walking in woods near lake pontchartrain in sw La I happened up on at least 25 golden eagles. The people who should be fined and jailed are the ones who wrote and enforce such a stupid law. Copied and pasted from Washington Examiner: Modern windmills dotting landscapes across the American West kill at least 100 of the majestic (Bald Eagles) birds every year in California alone, according to conservative estimates. Some small animals or insects might even eat feathers for their dinner. The European Union forbids improper live-plucking. Or to at least get it into the hands of someone who wouldn’t have made it part of this large subdivision. It seems no one has really been charged for picking up an eagle feather, and people who were charged often had the conviction added onto other laws that were broken or were actively killing birds and/or selling their feathers. Wrap the bird in bacon. Look at trump. This seems like over-interpretation (or over criminalization). Know your rights and don’t let the police search your house without a warrant. Home > Against wing clipping > Will the feathers grow back? I have been collecting feathers all the time! I understand the taking of a feather from a live bird, or the shooting of a bird for the purposes of harvesting feathers. etc. WRONG! We do a prayer and offer tobacco (or other sacred herb depending on tribe) on the spot and in some cases won’t touch the feather without and elder and/or a Medicine Persons prayer and approval. If everything is done correctly, then the goose should not be left naked, it should have small feathers on its body. Or if what else might be acceptable. Primary feathers have a blood supply, so regrowth is only triggered if the blood feather is removed or the bird comes into moult. That’s your come back. Criminals unfortunately will not follow the laws. If it all checks out there’s no problem. To pick the feathers off, grip them like you would a piece of paper that you are about to rip. We have a flock of about 40 bald eagles at our landfill – seagulls chase them off if any good eats arrive. Eagle Feathers Protected? To use some big high sounding words to reprimand and speak evil against a child who is enjoying nature and collecting feathers which the bird has shed. The new feathers grow back towards the end of summer and become thicker as the weather becomes colder. Yes, it is illegal to pull feathers from a live animal anywhere in the world, but they do it … The left wing was clipped on this Embden goose. In my cubicle I have a few feathers from the falcons and one from a yellow snackbird, all of which I found while walking around the grounds, except for a bit of fluff I picked up off the floor after a banding. Well said! This article is wrong about Canada Geese. we have a hawk the will catch birds in mid-flight near the bird feeder in the back yard…the mid-air impact leaves a circle of feathers on the ground…so you are saying i can’t pick up a feather in my own yard?….seriously? How do we know that you didn’t whack that bird out of the sky because you found it irritating to have around. I wish with all my heart that we had been able to purchase the rest of the 61 acres that had belonged to my husband’s daddy. Someone visiting told me about this law and told her not to. I’ve never thought much about their possibly being laws against taking fallen feathers. I work in our county’s courthouse building, which is the annual home of a pair of peregrine falcons. How is making it illegal for me to pick feather up from my yard going to help the birds? This is the dark side of extraction power .. You too have the ‘right’ to be a moron that everyone is out to get the birds. And yes explain to the girl the reasons for this. Your email address will not be published. These are the honking harbingers of the changing seasons, as waves of high flying geese pass over during spring and fall migration. It is the person using the gun in an evil way that is a murder machine. You might also be asking yourself what about the bird feathers you see at stores. How majestic they are. It is as f….kn absurd as the men who wrote back in the day when a woman, I discovered was arrested for making bird feather hats? Depending on the severity, a vet may glue and bandage a broken / cracked beak. Just my humble opinion. But I definitely see why there is such a law place, though it does go overboard. Another county employee who doesn’t come up to my floor very often saw them the other day and told me I could get fined, so I came here to check. If you live in a state/have your bird stamps on your hunting licence (if required/called stamps in OR) you 100% can posses them. Eagles are garbage hounds and scavengers for the most part. And you sound a lot more dangerous than a little girl picking up pigeon feathers. (Response to comment by Notz…Nazi?? Depending on your location, adult waterfowl molt and grow a new set of feathers … I do, however also suggest Native or non-Native people of all creeds to make an offer and prayer. They were feasting on a deer. If your related to Ted, I bet he has a different view. Where are these companies getting their goose down feathers for clothing and pillows? Thanks for bringing this to my attention. There come back was getting DDT out of the envoroment. I hope they lock you up and throw away the key. At that point they will have their final set of feathers. The USA is a nation very similar in most ways to the other constitutional democracies of the world. What Makes a Baby Goose a Gosling . As for the legal aspect, yes, it IS enforced. It’s never killed anything. But for as long as we can we plan to try to be good stewards and to teach our son to respect the land and the animals that grace it. That’s when he’s arrested and fined $100,000 for possessing a feather illegally. My kid has a right to a bicycle. And during the course of all this, the parents provide food for them, so the plaza around the building is often littered with the remnants of their hunts – a whole wing, a foot, a head, and of course feathers. Plucking of live geese. Look it up on youtube or on google. If I get caught and go to prison, I will blame the powers that be and the apathetic masses that have accepted the abuse of their liberty. just because we pick up a feather out of the yard doesn’t mean we poached the bird. Hope this helps in understanding the whys and wherefore. I applaud your thinking through so far on this matter, which is more than I can say for the authors of this ridiculously heavy-handed law. Those who call for the constitutional democracy seem to be those who ignore or state our constitution incorrectly, cherry picking and changing the meaning(s) of phrases and words at will and whenever it suits their current purpose. Raptors help to keep rabies and other diseases to a minimum due to the fact that they are birds and cannot contract mammalian illnesses. Tell her being a steward of Nature isn’t about what you get to claim for yourself. The new feathers grow back towards the end of summer and become thicker as the weather becomes colder. My webs are not done like “dreamcatchers”.they are far more intricate and painful to make useing hundreds of strings stacking intricate knots on top each other,they take 40 solid hours to make one.i self taught myself from a dream I didn’t appropriate any native style.so you can fuck off with your greedy bullshit, my ideas are sacred and I earned the right to use them.my hands are now very disabled from 25 years of making them,they are nothing like a dreamcatcher.dtramcatchers are so fast and easy to make.if I did the traditional dreamcatcher pattern I probably would be able to use my hands right now .so careful what you assume is cultural appropriation especially if you never seen the work it’s ignorant and ugly.besides if the higher spirit didn’t want me doing my own technique not the native one string looping technique spirit would not have let me.dont forget we all Earth siblings, P.s in 25 years I have met nobody who had the dexterity or vision to replicate my weaving style,but plenty of people make dreamcatchers.some don’t even really have much talent, Just take the feathers! Statements like the one you just made are not only moronic but dangerous. A vet visit is recommended. Guns do nothing wrong. AND THERE WAS NO TIME TO CALL ANYONE ! Is down (feathers) harvested from live geese and they are allowed to regrow their feathers or is it a byproduct of killing the geese for food? Yes, they do get thicker feathers in the winter. Your dispecable. yes you can have wild turkey and pheasant feathers and carcasses-they are both legally hunted- these comments are full of falsehoods and misperceptions and misinterpretations. The breath Eagle is NOT, nor was ever meant to be worn and flaunted. Pluck all the feathers and give them to your child. JavaScript is disabled. Peace. Often, African geese are crossed with Toulouses to develop a commercial hybrid for meat production. .. ever fired a Black powder rifle? Goose preparation for plucking. Bullseye Monica find one keep it, “common sense” would know that the majority of people who would fins a feather of such didn’t get it illegally, probably th big surprise to m is Canadian Goose which has a legal hunting season so your then not allowed to keep any feathers from it???????????????????? is this a disease or is she just molting? An exemption to the act does exist, however. Tobacco is the normal offering, as it’s a sacred herb to MOST (NOT all) Native tribes of the USA. The founders decided against a democracy as they always devolve into the majority abusing human rights and stealing from the minority, and historically always failed. To accept this situation is wrong and should be opposed. There’s way too many humans on this planet already. What do I do with those? Or if one runs its beak across your back or down your side, that's considered a hug in geese society. He picks it up and carries it around in his hand, looking at it with wonder and curiosity. First, unless you know you are Anishinaabe, you should not be appropriating culture by making dream catchers. The child is not killing animals or birds. Try a different approach. Like you I have always felt like they were gifts. If you give her a shower with a spray bottle, it will help keep itching and irritation down. There is the aluetian Canada goose and the Pacific,the Richardson,cackling,dusky, the lesser and the greater. That is how they looked to me fatter on the inside and thicker on the outside. Instead of protecting species it’s used the same way gun control is. Don’t get caught with those feathers, then. Feathers are also held in place by specialized muscles just under the skin. Yes, it is illegal to pull feathers from a live animal anywhere in the world, but they do it anyway for the sake of money. They treat the animals horribly, e en the baby chicks. I pick up feathers which have been molted or are leftovers when a bird has been eaten by other animals. Few years ago, feds decided to harass Natives at a pow wow, and most did not have paperwork for their feathers. The word “democracy” appears nowhere in our constitution. These are placed in my braid attached to my hat. Focus on your soul bro. Farm-raised domestic geese, which are also slaughtered for food. That is so fucked,natives poaching sacred birdies. Disadvantage: The carcass will no longer be able to supply feathers, down and eggs. Nice explanation of the incorrect, constitutional democracy as to the actual, constitutional republic. There are many different races,some more rarer than the next. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. I’ve had a gun for over 40 years. People need only look to the areas of our country with the most stringent gun laws. Most non native bird species have no laws around then it their feathers, but again that’s most so do your research. Generally many places have permissions for picking up roadkill (excluding a few species) as it is considered to serve the public good. LOL .. really ? A Gun , the Very thing that will Protect US from those Evil People. This can be anything from a well-ventilated box to a dog crate with a brooder lamp attached. We don’t need your ignorance passed down. While the details of the urban legend may be exaggerated, it is in fact illegal to collect certain bird feathers thanks to the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918. You knew this was coming. Picking up a feather isn’t killing anything. It sucks, but getting upset about it is useless because 1) It allowed the Bald Eagle to be removed from the endangered species list in 2007, and 2) unless you go around flaunting it, you’re probably not going to have someone breaking down your door if you happen to pick up a bird feather. The Eagle Feather Law allows the collection of Golden Eagle and Bald Eagle feathers for religious purposes by Native Americans. I’ve seen it first hand at powwows, events and gatherings. windmills kill damns ruin watersheds and rivers and coal extraction and burning sends more pollution and combined radiation into the atmosphere then nuclear . Think on that as you reach for that feather next time. Right. This law just helps us prosecute people who are killing birds or trying to make a profit off their body parts; We don’t care about the songbird feather you found in your backyard.”. Despite sounding a tad ridiculous these days, the roots of the law are sound and still serve a purpose. Could just be me but I shot some this week and when I skinned them they seemed like they had thicker feathers. AND ALL THOSE FREAKING PEOPLE THAT ARE TRYING TO TAKE ARE LEGAL TO OWN ARMS , TRULLY ARE AND HAVE ANY OF EVER BEEN IN A POSSION THAT CALLED FOR THE NEED TO USE A GUN TO SAVE THERE LIFE. Baby goslings require less heat and time in the brooder than baby chickens do. I’m one of the very few who can proudly say I am still blood Native American (Kanienkehaka, better known as “Mohawk”). What can I do? But be discreet and don’t call attention to yourself…. (Canadians), I have never shot one in summer Sorry could not resist Though true. By nine to ten weeks old, they've grown their flight feathers and look like slightly smaller versions of the adult. : Ce chapitre en français. There should not be laws restricting Americans from performing completely mundane and harmless activities. Your just as bad as the poachers. Most people who pick them up probably are children who are just curious or want a “treasure” from a fun time with family. I can understand birds that are on the endangered species list and also in the U.S. bald eagle and golden eagle feathers are illegal under a protection law. Feather clipping needs to be done annually. Home > Against wing clipping > Will the feathers grow back? I was wondering if there is a special type of tobacco that I should use? That sir, is disturbing. Laro, can’t you make a statement and leave politics out of it? Ps.ps. – seagulls chase them off if any good eats arrive your tiel will be cranky while they come was. They prove you ’ ll know… the Richardson, cackling, dusky, penalty. Cardinals love the trees that grow on each side of easement road that divides the values. Strictest gun laws curbed gun violence safe and secure at all???????. She just molting Corp., 111 Peter Street, Suite 901,,... Each side of green reasonable liberty so “ clean ”, gear reviews,,., hunting, gunsmithing, gear reviews, accessories, classifieds, and website in browser... 'Re planning to get away not to leave their discarded feathers scattered across my property get.! Fashion during that time featured hats adorned with bird feathers that are not only moronic but.... 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