Some of these reactions are minor and cause itching and redness. Just stand still for a moment and then slowly move away from the bee. Bumble bees don’t die when they sting. This illustrates the huge importance of bumblebees and why they are known as a ‘keystone species’. This is a clever form of deception which enhances the bee’s evolutionary fitness. Bumble Bee Facts – Discover more fun facts about bumble bees on the LiveScience website. The bumblebee nest. 11 Fun Facts You May Not Know About Bumble Bees, this article that shows what a grocery store in a bee-free world might look like, residential or commercial bumble bee problem, Common Mice Myths from The Top Mouse Exterminators in Baltimore, What Causes Cockroaches in Your House & How to Get Rid of Them. Check bees facts here. In fact, since their stinger has no barb, they can sting you several times in a row if you aren’t careful! I’m going to give you 10 facts about this pretty nifty, pretty infamous, bumblebee ball python. If you have a sever reaction to a bee sting, you should call an ambulance immediately. A bumblebee (or bumble bee, bumble-bee, or humble-bee) is any of over 250 species in the genus Bombus, part of Apidae, one of the bee families. About Bumble Bees – Learn more about bumble bees on the University of Minnesota website. 1) There are 46 species of bumble bees in North America Common Eastern Bumblebee. Facts about honey bees. There are over 250 known species of bumblebee worldwide, and 24 in the UK. His robot design (short and compact, with horns and a faceplate) is based on his The Transformers (1984) and Transformers: Animated (2007) versions. Bumblebees have rounded body with 2 pairs of membranous wings and 3 pairs of legs. You probably already know from experience that bees can be a nuisance when you’re trying to enjoy a meal outside. There are over 250 species of bumblebee.. By the time you’re done reading this blog post, you may not feel quite as negative toward bumble bees anymore – even if they do disrupt your picnics! Therefore, here are some facts about them that will fascinate you: The biggest bumblebee in the world is the giant bumblebee called “flying mice”. Bumblebees are social animals and colonies can contain up to 150 individual bees. Some Interesting Facts About Bumble Bees Fossil Evidence. The bumblebee is peaceful and not aggressive, even compared to the honeybee. Weight: Drone around 0.02 g, Workers between 0.04-0.60 g, Queen up to 0.85 g. Bumble bees are pretty amazing, and not just for their pollinating abilities. Since that’s often a defensive position, you may be stung if you bother it. Learn about 5 beneficial bees you want in your garden. Bumblebees pollinate, in part, through a method called “buzz pollination.” This occurs because of the rapid rate of their wing motion—more than 130 beats per second. They are truly amazing and have been studied much over the years. Bumblebee species are on the decline in Europe, North America and Asia, predominantly due to the rise in industrial agriculture. Each bumblebee colony has a queen bee who rules the nest and lays eggs, and worker bees to gather food, clean the nest and keep the colony safe. The queen bee is the largest bumblebee followed by the female worker bee with the male (drone) bee being the smallest. All Rights Reserved. If you do get stung by a bumble bee and the stinger is left in your skin, you should quickly use a fingernail or the edge of a credit card to scrape out the bee sting from your skin. U.S. Bumblebees feed on the nectar and pollen made inside flowers. A great way for everyone to help bumblebees is to plant wildflowers in gardens or in plant-pots for window-ledges. It is believed that the evidence of the earliest fossil of a bumble bee comes from the Oligocene period, dating back to almost 30 million years ago. Unlike wasps or honeybees, bumblebees are usually not considered to be aggressive or dangerous. Fortunately, you don’t have to worry about seeing these bees in Maryland (or anywhere else in the United States) because they live in South American temperate forests. This will also have a catastrophic impact on other wildlife which are dependent on these plant species. Unlike honey bees, bumble bees don’t die after they sting. If you are a person of aesthetics then bumblebee catfish is absolutely perfect for you. Bumble bees face many threats, including habitat loss, pesticides, introduced diseases, climate change and competition from honey bees, says Sarina Jepsen, endangered species program director for the Xer… Bumblebees also use their wings to raise their body temperature. In fact, their metabolism is so fast that they’re always only about 40 minutes from starving – even on a full stomach! Teachers and students alike can find additional bee facts and information on bee pest control at the official NPMA website. Fortunately, as mentioned earlier, it’s unlikely that a bumble bee will sting you unless you threaten the bee or its nest. The main diet of bumblebees is the nectar. Also… There are over 250 different kinds of bumblebee in the world – 25 of these live in the UK. Top 10 Things to Consider Before Buying a Dog, Top 10 Ways to Make your Garden more Wildlife Friendly, Top 10 Things to Think about Before Buying Fish, Top 10 Ways to be an Eco-Friendly Traveller. This allows them to work during cooler weather.Bumblebees don't die when they sting. Worker bees develop first, followed by males and new queens toward the end of summer. Lifespan depends on the type of bumblebee. Only the worker bees and Queen have a sting. Why is this a problem? Bumblebee's alternate mode in this feature is a Volkswagen Beetle, his original mode in The Transformers (1984). Home » Blog » 11 Fun Facts You May Not Know About Bumble Bees. Also check out These Cute Animal Facts Will Make You Go Aww Bumblebees are larger than honey bees and generate more heat. Just like other bee species, bumblebees are an extremely important part of the ecosystem. While bumblebees are fascinating and wonderful animals which deserve to be protected for their inherent value, their ecological and economic value is also undeniable, with around one third of human food requiring bee pollination. Drones will die immediately after reproduction. Fish and Wildlife Service listed the rusty patched bumble bee as endangered under the Endangered Species Act. 1. This is however quite small compared to honeybees that can have nests with over 50,000 bees. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this. In fact, since their stinger has no barb, they can sting you several times in a row if you aren’t careful! Three of their eyes are smaller and located on the top of their head, and the other two are on the front of their head. The U.S. In Native American symbolism the bumblebee represents honesty, pure thinking, willingness and drive. They only attack people when they are threatened. Check out this list of ten things you probably didn’t know about bumble bees. Bumble bees are found throughout the Northern Hemisphere from the Arctic tundra to deserts and forests. But there are several things you may not know about bumble bees that could give you a whole new perspective on the tiny buzzing creatures. Interesting Facts About the Bumblebee. Depending on the species of bumblebee, worker bee's tongues can vary in size from 6mm to 12mm. Honey bees are super-important pollinators for flowers, fruits and vegetables. The importance of bumblebee can be seen as an agricultural pollinator. Since bumble bees can flap their wings 200 times per second, they are able to use their wings as fans to reduce the heat inside their nests. Scientists report similar losses across Europe, South America and Asia. Don’t try to grab the sting – doing so could result in more venom being squeezed into your skin. About 1% of the general population experiences an allergic reaction when stung by a bumble bee. The world’s largest bumblebee is the Bombus dahlbomii of South America. The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. They live in limestone caves in the forests of Thailand and Mayanmar. More information Accept. They can also detect both the presence and the pattern of electric fields on flowers, which occur due to atmospheric electricity, and take a while to leak away into the ground. Bumblebees use a combination of colour and spatial relationships to learn from which flowers to forage. Here you will find lots of interesting facts and fun activities, including tips on how to spot and identify different bumblebee species! Bumblebees are fascinating creatures. These bees occur over much of the world but are most common in temperate climates. They can see UV light but can’t see the color red! Tip: Don’t touch a bumble bee that is lying on its back. In fact, the fluffy black and yellow insect has been the inspiration for several songs, multiple poems and even fun cartoon characters. Amazing Facts About the Bumblebee. There is a huge variety of … The New York Times: A Bumblebee Gets New Protection on Obama’s Way Out 3. Only the worker bees and Queen have a sting. They’ll often fly to a flower that’s either of those colors over one that’s any other color. Rusty patched bumble bee feeding on wild bergamot (Monarda fistulosa)Photo Kim Mitchell; USFWS . You can set your browser not to accept cookies and the above websites tell you how to remove cookies from your browser. Some of our website features may not function as a result. There are over 250 known species of bumblebee worldwide, and 24 in the UK. Unlike honey bees, bumble bees don’t die after they sting. They are also called the kitti's hog nosed bat due to their pig-like face. This technique is called fanning. They can also be orange with white stripes. Most of bumblebee species are found in the northern hemisphere, although South America has a few native species, and New Zealand and Tasmania has some which were introduced from Europe.. Bumblebees are typically found in temperate climates, and are often found at … Apparently, Hasbro allowed its claim on the name Bumblebee to lapse because it stopped making Bumblebee toys in 1995. These bees, called Bombus Dahlbomi, look furry, and they’re so big that they are sometimes likened to “flying mice.” While this may be a big of an exaggeration since the queen bee is only 40mm long, they’re still much larger than most other types of bumble bees. They only attack people when they are threatened. We’ll help you take care of your residential or commercial bumble bee problem for good. By the time Hasbro was ready to launch a new Bumblebee figure in the 2000s, other companies like Playcore (which had a "Buzz the Bumblebee" toy) and the company Bumblebee Toys claimed they had rights to the name. Bumblebee bats are the smallest mammals in the world. When bumblebee flies, it folds the proboscis under the head. Some Bumblebees are Endangered. Put on your best yellow suit to get in the mood for 15 Things You Didn’t Know About Bumblebee. So –in homage to the bumblebee, here are some fun facts for you! Their preference isn’t due to how the flower looks, though. Log in, By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies. It’s due to the fact that the violet and blue flowers are often the most nectar-rich (and therefore, the most beneficial to them). Wouldn’t the world be a better place for humans without bumble bees around? It’s a big world—in fact, about 250 bumblebee species live around the globe. The smell of food attracts them like crazy, and before you know it, they’re crawling around near your plate. So let’s take a look at some of his strange real-world facts, storyline goofiness, pop-culture tie-ins and even his relationship to Back to the Future. Facts about Bumblebees 8: the agricultural pollinator. Honey Bee Vs. Bumble Bee. The Arctic Bumblebee (Bombus polaris)By Zoe Statman-Weil and Vicki Wojcik, Pollinator Partnership. During warm summer periods, bumblebees hover at the top of the nest and vibrate their wings in order to circulate the air and maintain a nice cool nest, performing the work that a ceiling fan does for humans. Other reactions are more severe and can cause heart palpitations and fainting. They use this information to find out if a flower has been recently visited by another bee. 5. 6. Calling all budding – or should we say buzz-ing – young naturalists!Join National Geographic Kids as we get the lowdown on one of our planet’s most fascinating insects in our ten facts about honey bees!. The rusty patched bumblebee, which was once commonly found, has been on the U.S. 2. That’s because male bumble bees don’t have a stinger, and the bumble bees that do have one aren’t aggressive. Many arable and horticultural crops depend on bumblebees for pollination. Legs are designed for gathering of pollen. 1. In North America, many species of bumble bees are in decline. That’s why they have to eat so much. Interesting Bumblebee Facts: Bumblebees can reach ¾ to 1 inch in length. The largest bumblebee in the world is the giant bumblebee (Bombus dahlomii), which lives in South America and whose queens have the nickname “flying mice.” Source:; Bumblebees can reach ¾ to 1 inch in length. 1. That’s because almost 75% of our crops need pollinators to survive, and a lot of that pollination is carried out by – you guessed it – bees. Once the stinger has been removed from your skin, you can use a cold compress or take a painkiller to ease the pain and minimize swelling. The bumblebee sting. Bumble bees have annual nests that usually contain 300 to 500 individuals. It lives in South America. The bumblebee is peaceful and not aggressive, even compared to the honeybee. So, if you happen to see a bumble bee nearby, don’t panic. There are actually morphs of ball pythons that take on the mantle of “bumblebee,” almost like a small, legless vigilante, determined to rid the world of all pesky rodents forever. A fifth may already be extinct. Here are seven facts about the bumblebee you probably didn’t know: 1. For further information visit or Stay out of their way, and you’ll be safe. Bumblebees can sting multiple times, unlike a honeybee, because the stinger is smooth, and does not come away when used. Facts About Bumble Bees . 6. Bumblebee, (tribe Bombini), also spelled bumble bee, also called humble-bee, common name for any member of the insect tribe Bombini (family Apidae, order Hymenoptera). Once the bee realizes that you aren’t a flower, it should fly away from you. So if you’re trying to identify a bumble bee, look for those colors and a fuzzy appearance. Fact Sheet Rusty Patched Bumble Bee (Bombus affinis)PDF Version . Not quite. Newly mated queen bees hibernate over the winter, then emerge in early spring and begin searching for a nest site. Fortunately, as mentioned earlier, it’s unlikely that a bumble bee will sting you unless you threaten the bee or its nest. In Britain, until relatively recently, 19 species of native true bumblebee were recognised along with six species of cuckoo bumblebees. Additional Resources with Bumble Bee Facts. Bumble Bees Bumblebees are considered to be beneficial insects because they pollinate crops and plants. Fish and Wildlife Service’s endangered list since 2017. Very little is known about these bats and they are thought to behave in a similar waty to other bats. The liquid will be absorbed using the long hairy tongue. According to an article, The Buzz About Bumble Bees, in the current issue of National Wildlife, four once-common, widespread North American species have vanished from large portions of their former ranges. So if a bee is buzzing near you the best thing you can do is stay calm and let it fly away in its own time rather than flapping about, which is more likely to cause you and the bee harm! Instead, all of their organs sit in a pool of blood inside their body. Nectar is a sugary liquid that gives bees energy. You will love to watch it when it will come out at night to eat food. Bumblebee workers can weigh between 0.04g and 0.60 g, whilst queens can weigh as much as 0.85g. Bumblebee Bat Facts. If you’re facing a serious bumble bee problem and the nest must be removed, contact Brody Brothers Pest Control. You’ll also want to listen for the distinctive buzzing sound they make when flying. Unlike many other species’ conservation efforts, bumblebee conservation is genuinely something that everyone can play a major role in. This little guy weighs less than two grams. It is one of the smallest animals in the world, and it is the smallest mammal living today. Bombus polaris, known as the arctic bumblebee, has a unique challenge when compared to the other bumble bees.It lives in a strikingly cold climate and requires a greater effort to regulate its temperature. The female bumblebee can and will sting when threatened. Bumblebee Facts Interesting Facts about Bumblebee Facts about Bumblebee Of these, three have already become extinct, eight are in serious decline and only six remain widespread. They Vibrate to Pollinate. Bumble Bee Watch – A fun website that lets you track and report sightings of bumble bees. A cuckoo bumblebee will lay its eggs in the nest of other bumblebees, and leave the workers of that nest to rear the young. If you want to reduce the chance of bumblebees nesting in your yard, remove all debris and keep the yard clean. Common eastern bumble bees are social insects that live in colonies. Unless you threaten a bumble bee or its nesting site directly, it’ll likely keep to itself and avoid causing you any bodily harm. Bumblebees also spelled bumble bees are a subset of bees in the genus Bombus.. When it comes to flowers, bumble bees have two favorite colors – blue and violet. Bumblebee Catfish is very famous because of its sparkling color pattern. Fish and Wildlife Service: Rusty Patched Bumble Bee Fact Sheet 2. Natural History Museum: Bumblebees To see just how much bee extinction would impact your food options, check out this article that shows what a grocery store in a bee-free world might look like. However, their heart does pulse blood through a long tube, which serves as a sort of circulatory system for the bumble bee. Bumble bees and honey bees are distant cousins and are often confused with each other. Because of this, we suggest that you leave bumble bee colonies near your home alone. 4. Here are 15 compact facts we learned about bumblebees from Goulson’s adventures in bee research. In some regions where hedgerows (where queens forage and build nests) are scarce, crop yields are already falling. This is trait found in honey bees.Bees are covered in an oil that makes them waterproof.Queens shiver to warm up and keep eggs toasty.Additional Resources 1. Entire body of a bumblebee is covered with tiny hairs and alternately arranged yellow and black bands. Bumble Bee Conservation Status. The bumblebee bat is a unique species in that it is so small. But as much as you love him, there may be a few things you don’t know about him. Facts about Bumblebees 7: the diet. © Copyright 2020 Brody Brothers Pest Control in Baltimore. The Franklin’s Bumblebee is even listed as critically endangered, and two species of bumble bees in the UK have gone extinct since the beginning of the 21st Century. Fun facts about bumblebees. Pretty infamous, bumblebee conservation is genuinely something that everyone can play a major role.! Bees can be a nuisance when you ’ ll be safe is perfect... Heart palpitations and fainting track and report sightings of bumble bees are amazing... Depending on the U.S to plant wildflowers in gardens or in plant-pots for window-ledges because of this, suggest... Above websites tell you how to remove cookies from your browser not accept. 1984 ) University of Minnesota website cause itching and redness feed on the and. 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