2. Module 4: Continuing Education (PDF - 100 KB. # � � x b U $ � $If a$ $ � `�0� �Y�p @&. CONTENTS: Types/uses/functions of cleaning equipment, supplies and materials Glass types, including defects Method of identifying stains, mud, dirt and grease Stain removal techniques CONDITIONS: Students/trainees must be provided with the following: Cleaning rag Cleaning solution Brooms Dust pan and brush Cleaning implements Vacuum cleaner Floor carpet Water hoses Bucket Handouts/ manuals METHODOLOGIES: Lecture - demonstration Self-paced instruction Group discussion Role playing ASSESSMENT METHODS: Hands-on Direct observation Practical demonstration LO3. Fed and burped the infant according to established procedure. Integrate personal objectives with organizational goals LO2. ADMINISTER MEDICATION WITHIN GUIDELINES ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Medication is administered according to organizational policies and legislative requirements Medication is stored according to requirements Medication is checked for name, instruction and use by date All administered medication are documented in accordance with requirements CONTENTS: Legislative guidelines as requirement for storage of medication Organizational procedures as requirement for storage of medication CONDITIONS: Students/trainees must be provided with the following: Medicines Handbooks on giving or administering medications Medicine tray Medicine glass METHODOLOGIES: Lecture - demonstration Self-paced instruction Group discussion ASSESSMENT METHODS: Direct observation Practical demonstration Oral and written exam LO5. CONTENTS: Providing safe food Food and safety hazard Safe food handling CONDITIONS: Students/trainees must be provided with the following: Ingredients Plates/ platters Handouts/ manuals METHODOLOGIES: Lecture - demonstration Self-paced instruction Hands-on ASSESSMENT METHODS: Direct observation Practical demonstration Oral and written exam LO6. In this module, the focus is on a course in Home Economics – ... TESDA Training Regulation in Caregiving. CONTENTS: Safety regulations Clean air act Electrical and fire safety code Waste management Disaster preparedness and management Contingency measures and procedures CONDITIONS: The students/trainees must be provided with the following: Hand outs on Safety Regulations Clean air act Electrical and fire safety code Waste management Disaster preparedness and management Contingency measures and procedures OHS personal records PPE CD�s, VHS tapes, transparencies METHODOLOGIES: Interactive lecture Symposium Film viewing Group dynamics Self-paced instruction ASSESSMENT METHODS: Written examination Interview Case/situation analysis Simulation LO4. SUGGESTED DURATION: 4 hours. COMFORT INFANTS AND TODDLERS ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Tools and equipment prepared according to the need of the infant/toddler Distressed infants and toddlers responded to based on appropriate methods, activity and non-verbal cues Infants and toddlers picked-up and cuddled according to procedure CONTENTS: The Dependent nature of infants/toddlers Signs of infants/toddlers� distress Basic infant care CONDITIONS: Students/trainees must be provided with the following: Infants crib/bed Blanket/comforters Infant carrier Stroller Bassinet Nursery rhymes Toys for the crib (Mobile) Infants/toddlers toys Story books Crying (baby) Appearing withdrawn Squirming Lack of eye contact Sleeping difficulties Speech difficulty, etc. TESDA - TESDA provides direction, policies, programs and standards towards quality technical education and skills development. 2. 1. CONTENTS: Organizational procedures for monitoring and training. Module 3: Faculty Guide (PDF - 590 KB. Discuss the relevance of the course 3. CBLM II Building Construction. tesda caregiving modules. Specific relevant information is accessed from appropriate sources. 5. Prepare sandwiches LO8. Laundry equipment is used in accordance with manufacturer�s instruction. Packed/wrapped uncooked foods are frozen at zero degrees F temperature and in accordance with SOPs. Kitchen supplies are inspected and replenished in accordance with standard operating procedures. Clothing, linen and fabric are freed from stain, dirt and unpleasant odor after washing based on procedures. Proper method of refrigeration and proper storing of dry food is implemented as per SOPs. Caregiving NC II CG. TESDA Courses. Module 1: Caregiver Self Care. LO1. 2. Basic Competencies 8. Bathroom supplies are replenished and defective accessories replaced as per SOPs. Routine maintenance is carried out or arranged as per standard operating procedures. CONTROL HAZARDS AND RISKS ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. PROVIDE APPROPRIATE SUPPORT TO THE ELDERLY ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: All support provided to the elderly in accordance with the elderly�s needs, rights, self determination and individual differences The elderly encouraged and supported to participate in ceremonial, cultural, educational, recreational, religious, social, and spiritual activities as appropriately planned. Module I. Want to enroll for TESDA caregiver course NC II in Manila? TESDA-accredited institutions may integrate an On the Job Training (OJT) in the Caregiving NC II program. Pastry desserts are prepared as per prescribed procedures. CONTENTS: Types, uses, specifications and maintenance of bathing paraphernalia Procedures of bathing, dressing, mobility, of the elderly Proper care of the elderly during ADL (Activities of Daily Living) Principles and procedures in administering medicines for the elderly CONDITIONS: Students/trainees must be provided with the following: Wheelchair Walker/cane Crutches Parallel bars Hand rails Commode Reading materials Indoor/outdoor facilities Handouts/manual METHODOLOGIES: Lecture - demonstration Self-paced instruction Group discussion ASSESSMENT METHODS: Hands-on Direct observation Practical demonstration LO3 B. Describe work as a team. Effective questioning, active listening and speaking skills are used to gather and convey information. Caregiving NC II CG . 4. Job targets within key result areas are attained. NOMINAL DURATION : 6 hours QUALIFICATION LEVEL : NC II SUMMARY OF LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this module, the trainee/student must be able to: LO1. Time allotment for Technology and Livelihood Education is four hours per week. Ironing equipment and materials are stored in the appropriate area following safety procedures. LMMSAT - Document N. TESDA QA SYSTEM Shielded Metal Arc Welding NC II Date Developed: Issued by: Developed by: Jerry R. Torrado Revision No.__ Page _ of __ LIST OF COMPETENCIES No. Clean furnishing and fixtures ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Furnishings and fixtures are cleaned in accordance with standard operating procedures. All content is in the public domain unless otherwise stated. Prepare appetizers LO6. Own work is adjusted, incorporating recommendations that address performance issues, to maintain the agreed standard of patient support. Computer-Based Accountancy: 2 Year Dip. ��ࡱ� > �� � � ����  � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ %` �� � bjbj"x"x �& @ @ ֟ G �� �� �� � � � �E �E �E � �F D J � � # $ , d e t u ~  � � � ���ű���y��gXgF�8 j�� h^� OJ QJ U^J #h�p� h^� 5�CJ( OJ QJ ^J aJ( h8: 5�CJ( OJ QJ ^J aJ( #h�p� h� 5�CJ( OJ QJ ^J aJ( h{4� h^� CJ OJ QJ ^J aJ #h�Da h^� 6�CJ OJ QJ ^J aJ h^� CJ aJ h^� 5�6�OJ QJ ^J 'j�� h�rR h�Da 5�6�OJ QJ U^J h^� 5�B*OJ QJ ^J ph � h�� h{4� B*OJ QJ ph � j h{4� U%h�� h{4� B*CJT OJ QJ aJT ph � ! Set and meet work priorities LO3. Perform laundry LO5. Materials and experiences are provided that would stimulate their various senses based on their interests. Apply response LO3. QUALIFICATION LEVEL : NC II SUMMARY OF LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this module the students/trainees … CONTENTS: Team role. NOMINAL DURATION : 50 hours QUALIFICATION LEVEL : NC II SUMMARY OF LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this module, the trainee/student must be able to: LO1. Vegetables are prepared according to the manner of preparation. 4. � e� � V� _o H V� � � � V� �� h �T � �\ � �z .b t �f - �T �T �T �� �� �v �T �T �T 4. Dressmaking (NC II) 320 hours 10. Evaluate hazards and risks LO3. | Technical Education and Skills Development Authority East Service Road, South Superhighway, Taguig City, Philippines) Basic Technical Drawing Book Middletown Township Public. PPE is maintained in line with organization guidelines and procedures. Control hazards and risks LO4. – To stimulate circulation, prevent bedsore & promote relaxation. CONTENTS: Depending on the work, roles and services provided, specific knowledge of particular groups or issues may be required like: Alcohol and other drugs Cultural and linguistics diversity Risk of self esteem harm Women / Men Community education Mental health Common problems of the elderly and their ramification Different cultural requirements and preferences Factors giving risk to grief and loss in the elderly Safety risks to the elderly CONDITIONS: Students/trainees must be provided with the following: Assistive devices (cane, crutches, walker, wheelchair) Parallel bars Feeding utensils Handrails Commode Reading materials METHODOLOGIES: Lecture - demonstration Self-paced instruction Group discussion ASSESSMENT METHODS: Hands-on Direct observation Practical demonstration UNIT OF COMPETENCY : PROVIDE CARE AND SUPPORT TO PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL NEEDS MODULE TITLE : PROVIDING CARE AND SUPPORT TO PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL NEEDS MODULE DESCRIPTOR : This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required in providing support and assistance to maintain quality care for people with special needs to be able to enhance their abilities to communicate and be independent; responding to the physical, medical, health and safety, personal care and home maintenance requirements of people with disabilities. Monitor infection control performance and implement improvements in practices ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Infection control hazardous events are investigated promptly to identify their cause in accordance with organization policy and procedures. You will be given caregiving tasks and be able to experience the actual work you are supposed to do once you graduate. Module 3: Continuing Education (PDF - 98 KB. alcohol, Lysol ) METHODOLOGIES: Lecture - demonstration Self-paced instruction Group discussion ASSESSMENT METHODS: Direct observation Practical demonstration LO2. PROVIDE EXPERIENCE TO SUPPORT PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Experiences provided which will develop and enhance physical fitness Encouragement given to children to learn to develop habit forming physical activities Ways and means for the child to participate in physical fitness communicated, modeled and practiced CONTENTS: Experiences that will target specific areas of development Equipment, toys, and resources that can be used to stimulate physical development Needs of children with sensory or physical disability CONDITIONS: Students/trainees must be provided with the following: Setting up venue/environment Range of environments and equipment Indoor/outdoor facilities Handouts/manuals METHODOLOGIES: Lecture - demonstration Self-paced instruction Group discussion ASSESSMENT METHODS: Hands-on Direct observation Practical demonstration UNIT OF COMPETENCY : PROVIDE CARE AND SUPPORT TO ELDERLY MODULE TITLE : PROVIDING CARE AND SUPPORT TO ELDERLY MODULE DESCRIPTOR : This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required in providing support and assistance to maintain quality care for the elderly to meet his / her daily needs including nourishment, mobility, personal hygiene and other support within the plan of care. HOME ECONOMICS –CAREGIVING (Exploratory) *TWG on K to 12 Curriculum Guide – version January 31, 2012 6 4. UNIT OF COMPETENCY: WORK IN A TEAM ENVIRONMENT. About the Learning Module 1. Experiences that develop and enhance imagination and creativity are provided based on their interests CONTENTS: Cultural awareness Process for creative and artistic expression CONDITIONS: Students/trainees must be provided with the following: Audio visual equipment (radio, cassette, TV) Coloring book Crayons, pencils, peg boards Beads to string Construction sets Scissors/papers/ colors/ paints and brushes Play dough Activity kit Puzzles Books/ manuals METHODOLOGIES: Lecture - demonstration Self-paced instruction Group discussion ASSESSMENT METHODS: Hands-on Direct observation Practical Demonstration LO4. Rooms are sanitized in accordance with standard operating procedures. Apply basic first aid techniques ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: First Aid management is provided in accordance with established First Aid procedures. This will be the source of information for you to acquire knowledge and skills in this particular competency independently and at your own pace, with minimum supervision or help from your facilitator. CONTENTS: Procedures in sorting laundry Principles and procedures in darning holes and tears CONDITIONS: Students/trainees must be provided with the following: Soiled/defective clothes Linen Fabrics Handouts/ manuals METHODOLOGIES: Lecture - demonstration Self-paced instruction Hands-on ASSESSMENT METHODS: Direct observation Practical demonstration Oral And written exams LO2. FOSTER CHILDREN�S INDEPENDENCE AND AUTONOMY ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Opportunities developed self help skills and independence provided as needed. Explain core concepts and principle in caregiving 2. Effective listening skills are used to ensure a high level of effective communication and quality of service. Module 5: Diploma in Caregiving First Assessment Diploma in Caregiving Skills - First Assessment; Module 10: Diploma in Caregiving Second Assessment Diploma in Caregiving Skills - Second Assessment; Module 11: Diploma in Caregiving Final Assessment Diploma in Caregiving Skills - … NOMINAL DURATION : 50 hours QUALIFICATION LEVEL : NC II SUMMARY OF LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this module, the trainee/student must be able to: LO1. Specialization Agricultural Crops Production (NC I) Agricultural Crops Production (NC II) updated based on the TESDA Training Regulations published December 28, 2013 Agricultural Crops Production (NC … Appropriate contributions to complement team activities and objectives are made. East Service Road, South Superhighway, Taguig City, Metro Manila TABLE OF CONTENTS . CONTENTS: Food and safety hazard Safe food handling CONDITIONS: Students/trainees must be provided with the following: Ingredients blender Handouts/ manuals METHODOLOGIES: Lecture - demonstration Self-paced instruction Hands-on ASSESSMENT METHODS: Direct observation Practical demonstration Oral and written exam LO5. TESDA Short Courses Offered as of 2018 - YouTube : pin. BASIC COMPETENCY : COMMUNICATIONS UNIT OF COMPETENCY : PARTICIPATE IN WORKPLACE COMMUNICATION MODULE TITLE : PARTICIPATING IN WORKPLACE COMMUNICATION MODULE DESCRIPTOR : This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to obtain, interpret and convey information in response to workplace requirements. SUPERVISE THE SAFETY OF THE CLIENT ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Clients are supervised in accordance with the legal requirements and regulations Rules for safe play are explained, modeled and implemented Direct contacts with individuals,/group is maintained Potential risks are identified and acted upon to prevent or minimize risk Hazards and potential hazards in the environment are identified and clients are informed accordingly Emergencies and evacuation procedures are discussed and practiced with clients Supervision is used as an opportunity to interact with clients CONTENTS: Hazard in home environment Organizational standards policies and procedures Risk minimization strategies and risk and reduction strategies Legal requirements for supervision including worker and child ratios Placing babies or infants to sleep in positions recommended for prevention of SIDS Removal / locking away of dangerous substances Supervision of child when learning to eat solid foods Supervision of child when learning new skills such as walking and balancing Supervision of babies when going to sleep with a bottle CONDITIONS: Students/trainees must be provided with the following: Legal requirements and regulation regarding safe play Evacuation and emergency exits Non-purpose built center Purpose built center Fences and locking mechanisms METHODOLOGIES: Lecture - demonstration Self-paced instruction Group discussion ASSESSMENT METHODS: Hands-on Direct observation Practical demonstration UNIT OF COMPETENCY : MAINTAIN A HEALTHY AND SAFE ENVIRONMENT MODULE TITLE : MAINTAINING A HEALTHY AND SAFE ENVIRONMENT MODULE DESCRIPTOR : This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to maintain various aspects in home maintenance taking into consideration health and safety environment NOMINAL DURATION : 30 hours QUALIFICATION LEVEL : NC II SUMMARY OF LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this module, the trainee/student must be able to: LO1. Seafoods are prepared according to method of preparation. Cook meals and dishes according to recipes ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Soup is cooked as per menu. LO3. Dimensions of Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies a. Iron clothes, linens and fabrics ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Ironing is done in accordance to the standard procedures Ironed clothes, linens and fabrics are folded, placed in a hanger and stored in designated cabinets as per instructions. NOMINAL DURATION : 150 hours QUALIFICATION LEVEL : NC II SUMMARY OF LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this module, the trainee/student must be able to: LO1. CONTENTS: Children�s needs, interests and problems Understanding of children�s physical development CONDITIONS: Students/trainees must be provided with the following: Childcare workplace Illustrations/pictures/charts/diagrams of child�s development Manuals/Handouts METHODOLOGIES: Lecture - demonstration Self-paced instruction Group discussion ASSESSMENT METHODS: Hands-on Direct observation Practical demonstration UNIT OF COMPETENCY : FOSTER PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN MODULE TITLE : FOSTERING PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT OFCHILDREN MODULE DESCRIPTOR : This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to foster specific physical development of children from 1-12 years old. Review incidents4 hours3 � � x b U $ � $ If a $ $ � $ a... A vacuum on health and safety requirements as relevant a task -0b-2 1 progressing! And return demonstration Brainstorming ASSESSMENT METHODS: Direct observation Practical demonstration LO2 progressing personal care are. 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